If you are a representative of a travel agency, school, NGO, big firm or if you are an individual client, you should not wait any longer to contact our specialists. You will get lots and lots of precious, useful and enriching information about the trip. This will help you in finalizing your itinerary in no time.
Please, feel free to contact our staff. They will help you to find out the following matters:
- Organisations, firms and travel agencies to which we offer our services
- Entire spectrum of our assistance in preparing and executing different types of trips
- Whole proces of preparation/implementation of the trip at a glance
- How do we conduct group, individual and business trips?
- Booking of hotels, reservation of transport and getting the visa
- Our promotional materials/offers to our customers
We hereby invite you most sincerely and gladly for mutual cooperation, enriching and rewarding experience. Our clients are our Gods.